A good rule with web hosting is to always have a back-up and disaster recovery plan in place for a worst case scenario, in case your data disappears.
Many hosts will offer a backup service, and there are a number of options available for increased protection.

One good method is to setup a RAID array for your server. There are several different ways you can configure RAID, essentially it gives protection by spreading or copying your data over two or more redundant hard drives. Many people choose to augment this with an additional hard drive outside of the RAID array, and also do backups there. For yet another level of redundancy you could also do backups to a remote workstation.
Many larger and more popular websites also choose to setup a failover to another server in a different network operations center. This can be a bit tricky for complex websites, or if there are databases involved.
If you need assistance with a data backup and disaster recovery plan contact the team at PingPipe web hosting. They have over a decade of experience assisting clients with all levels of data backup and disaster recovery, and would be pleased to help you set-up the most cost-effective solution that meets your needs.