If this is not a Glastonbury conspiracy, reports are in of a “Glastonbury 5G report ‘hijacked by conspiracy theorists’”
No word yet from wi-fi reverse vampires.

You have one day left to Love it or Leave it in France where a law has passed forcing online platforms to delete hate-speech content within 24 hours” *
* with helpful picture of what a French lawmaker may look like.
There are levels of hacker confessions, ranging from “zero 1337” to confessions of “the Hacker who Saved the Internet”

Good news:
High school students can take “Advanced Placement” exams online.
Hold, please, no recess:
“High school students who took AP exams online may have to retake them because of a glitch”
Here is a post on “why and what you can do” if your Bitcoin transaction is stuck.

Not included:
“unplug it and then plug it back in again”
There is a “ransomware gang” that this week published “2.4 GB of Lady Gaga’s legal documents” they took from a New York law firm.
But wait, there’s more spoiler alert:
Step 2 = “threatens to leak dirt on Trump”