Virtual 360 degree real estate tour.

Yesterday’s news: Virtual 360 degree real estate tour.

Today’s alien topic:

Virtual 360 degree International Space Station tour. 

Reports are in that the leader of Samsung group has “appeared before a South Korean court on Monday, awaiting a ruling on whether new allegations including accounting fraud and stock manipulation will send him back to jail 

The “Pentagon’s top research agency” has announced a bounty on bugs in their software and is “launching a contest for ethical hackers to try to break into that technology”

In related ironic news:

Be careful what you wish for. 

Today’s data breach news includes Canadian fitness retailer Fitness Depot and their customer’s “personal and financial information”

Bonus Spoiler Alert:

“ISP fails to ‘activate the antivirus’” 

Reports are in that math students at Wilfrid Laurier University in Canada are “furious after department orders them to buy external webcams for exams”

Why don’t you have a seat over there and have a look at the transcript: 

In today’s A.I. news is this report that says “Artificial brains may need sleep too”

No word yet from artificial zombies. 

This report says that “over the past four years, Activision Blizzard CEO Robert Kotick has received over $20 million in combined stock/option equity per year,” and some investors have a problem with that: 

The phrase of the day is “phone pics pop”

Here are “8 photo editing apps for Android or iPhone” 

The Brave web browser:

  • “sells itself on privacy, security and ad-blocking.”
  • “has its own cryptocurrency, the Basic Attention Token.”
  • “is hijacking links, and inserting affiliate codes”

Wait. Back up one. 

Here is a discreet look at “Discret 11, the French TV encryption of the 80’s” 

Why don’t you have a seat over there and read this “analysis of a sextortion email using Bitcoin 

One man’s idea to launch trash into orbit is another company’s “launched 32,000 Linux computers into space for Starlink internet” 

Internet users in entire neighborhoods are being sent notices to expect slower than usual from broadband Cox.

In related news:

Unlimited still does *NOT* equal unmetered. 

Reports are in that “Google Maps will offer new warnings about local Covid-19 restrictions”.

People are expected to continue using GPS in their cars to assist them while driving into lakes and ponds. 

Like it or not, your iPhone 11 may have the “exhibit green tint appearing briefly after unlocking” feature built-in: 

The maker of batteries used in Teslas has a new design with a “one million-mile lifespan”

In somewhat related news:

Your smartphone battery needs to be charged.


Denmark’s defence minister is saying that his country “wants 5G suppliers from closely allied countries”

No word in response yet from 5G suppliers in distant non-allied counties. 

Good news: A report on a little-known WhatsApp feature Hold, please: “this feature can land a user’s phone number in public search results, opening the door to all manner of scams” 

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