You may love artificial intelligence but you will never love artificial intelligence like “the AI girlfriend seducing China’s lonely men”
Spoiler alert:
“It’s also recording their most intimate desires and emotions.”

Reports are in that “Apple’s Siri can now make animal sounds like a duck quacking or a lion roaring” because why the heck not**
** with helpful picture of what a lion roaring may look like.

The folks at Microsoft would like to warn you about a “widespread malware campaign that seeks to silently inject ads into search results”
The European Commission wants “to break up Big Tech if it doesn’t play by new rules”
Let’s see how well this works out for them:
Never say never, Neverware is now part of Google.

Reports are in that China is “suspected of spying on Americans via Caribbean phone networks”
No word yet on reverse vampire involvement.

Everyone smile and check that you are wearing pants, the folks over at The Verge are saying that “the webcam is the gadget of the year”
If you were planning on buying a Google Home Max smart speaker you are going to have a bad day.
Here is a report on what can happen when a cryptocurrency trader tried to short sell Bitcoin.
Spoiler alert:
“it turned out to be a grave mistake”
Reports are in that “Pinterest has agreed to settle a gender discrimination and retaliation lawsuit”
But wait, there’s more:
“for $22.5 million”

Mt. Gox is the cryptocurrency exchange that keeps on giving as it has filed “a draft plan to return $2.6 billion in Bitcoin”
According to this report the investment firm Ruffer has “allocated 2.5% of its multi-strategies fund to Bitcoin”
But wait, there’s more:
“The total allocation is worth roughly $15 million.”

A bank in New York “has become the first FDIC-insured financial institution to launch a Bitcoin rewards checking program.”
The folks over at Yahoo finance are reporting that the “IRS is ‘setting the trap’ for bitcoin and virtual currency investors on 2020 tax form”
Everybody panic?