According to this report the “rise in cryptocurrencies can be traced to…..
shake Magic 8 Ball
“Nixon abandoning gold in 1971”

Reports are in that Google is working on a new Android feature for people who want to watch their smartphone watching them watch their smartphone while they “control a phone using facial expressions like a smile or raised eyebrows”

Let’s take a nostalgic look back 25 years to a simpler time when Internet Explorer 3.0 was a new thing.
Bonus content:
“how it ended marriages – and launched amazing careers”

Sort of news:
“Hugely popular anti-vaxx misinformation website”
Plot jab:
“is just some lady in Piedmont California”

Today’s data breach news includes an online forum, T-Mobile and “the personal data of over 100 million users”

Face it and buy into this report that looked at and checked out how “many Americans aren’t aware they’re being tracked with facial recognition while shopping”

If you have ever wanted to see “a computer simulation of bumblebee colony survival in a given landscape” and find out what all the buzz is about it you are not alone and today may be your lucky day.

A computer simulation has shown that “Martian crust could sustain life through radiation”

Reports are in that youth in China have been reacting “to gaming curbs with anguish and cunning” stunts.

According to this report scientists in China have developed “glass as hard as a diamond”
You are looking at this through the cracked screen of a $1000 smartphone that you accidentally dropped that one time.