Cell phones that used to be a cancer risk, then were not a cancer risk have now had their cancer risk status upgraded to “sharply increase tumor risk”. https://pingyour.com/blog/u4b4

Can you guess which password manager has been creating flawed passwords?
It’s as easy as abcabc or 123123…

If you have ever thought that global governments setting boundaries for online streaming companies are “damming the stream” you apparently are not alone, dammit. https://pingyour.com/blog/yb56

There is apparently no contradiction as to “why social media design makes it hard to have constructive disagreements online.”
No word yet in rebuttal from the Argument Clinic. https://pingyour.com/blog/oiod

Would be Wise domain move whispered from well known write-up and wistful wayward wiseacres while TransferWise paid $2 million to acquire and rebrand to Wise.

Recent reports say the makers of the Firefox browser are claiming that the YouTube algorithm is “recommending videos with misinformation, violent content, hate speech and scams”. https://pingyour.com/blog/tfos
Sort of news:
“Qualcomm’s $1,500 smartphone is for its biggest fans”
Hold, please:
“is for its biggest fans with more money than sense”
There is a good chance that a friend of a friend’s relative’s co-worker may have told you about analysis of social media posts. Apparently they show that “women and lower-education users more likely to tweet personal information”. https://pingyour.com/blog/qzep
The FBI and US Department of Treasury would like to advise you that Maui ransomware means more than cheap flower necklaces, overpriced drinks and macedama nuts.