Last pass past last time again. Last month was not the last last pass time again for last time news about a LastPass last hack.
Good news: “no passwords appear to have been revealed.”
Hold, please: “its source code has been compromised.”

In early September digital ad displays in Germany will be shut down to preserve German gassiness ‘for more important purposes’
PingPipe running a great promo on custom shop dedicated servers for MetaTrader. Special prices available for you in Amsterdam and London with super fast connectivity and guaranteed network uptime.

If you often want to see a visual history of every iPhone model to date and dislike clicking through slide shows today may be your lucky day.

Once upon a time reports are in that say “one of the most trusted Two Factor Authentication apps out there” was hacked on Aug 4th.

The US The Federal Trade Commission is suing an Idaho data broker and are “alleging it sold location data from hundreds of millions of mobile devices” no word yet if it came with fries.
Here is a report that says Microsoft has made its 3D emoji collection open source because why the heck not “let creators remix and customize them”