Here is a report with the down-low from Down Under on 130,000 more reasons why Infamous people in Australia are being discouraged from developing cheat codes for popular online games.

Don’t let them smell fear while you place that pic-a-nic basket on the ground while you are out there camping, there is a chance that Boo-Boo might attract bears who eat your food and then steal your job.
In related news: here is a report about “Boots, the Artificially Intelligent bear that explains code”. No response yet from Rocky and Bullwinkle.

Once upon a time Alexa and Siri were relaxing together when suddenly the CEO of Microsoft arrived and called them both “dumb as rock” and then everyone lived happily ever after.

Yesterday’s news:
The cost of a WiFi router for your home.
Today’s topic:
“US Air Force pays $75.5 million for 25,000 sq. mile wireless network”

Here is today’s flashback dancing rodent related news that involves pizza and floppy disks: