What is KVM?

When you lock yourself out of your car or house it is easy enough to call a locksmith;  locking yourself out of your dedicated server is a whole different level of frustration. It is easier than you think.  All it takes is one mistake when configuring a software-based firewall, and then you are no longer able to log into your server as root Administrator. The easiest way to address this is with KVM access to your server.  KVM is short for Keyboard Video Mouse, it gives you a separate IP to access your server and launches a screen on your workstation Windows desktop that is like you are virtually standing in front of a video console plugged into your dedicated server.  KVM also gives you the ability to remotely power cycle your server at anytime, via the same separate IP address.

On the internet, having redundancy  is very important. Let me repeat that: on the internet, having redundancy is very important. Support services are always available to physically reboot your dedicated server at the network level, the free KVM that is included on PingPipe dedicated server specials is a great value-added bonus of also always having an alternate way to reach the login prompt of your dedicated server.

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