A successful brokerage dedicated server location is often dependent on the city where the brokerage trading activity is taking place.
CAT cable
CAT cable refers to the category of Ethernet cable. Two of the most common CAT cables that are currently in use are Category 6 cables [CAT 6] and Category 5 cables [CAT 5].
Coinbase is a large cryptocurrency exchange in the US that as of February 2021 filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission to be a publicly […]
Cookie text file
A cookie is a text file that is within the data that is sent to your web browser when you visit a website. They can […]
cprapid.com is the automatically generated DNS Zone and nameservers on Cpanel installations. It allows Cpanel to issue an SSL certificate for the WHM installation, so you can access WHM without receiving an SSL error.
Cryptocurrency is digital currency. Well known cryptocurrencies include Bitcoin and Ethereum.
Cryptocurrency Exchange
A cryptocurrency exchange is a business that provides services forĀ their clients to exchange, buy and sell various cryptocurrencies for other cryptocurrencies and/or traditional money […]
Dark Web
“Dark Web” refers to content on the internet that requires specific software and/or authorization to gain access.
Dedicated server web hosting for a brokerage.
The best dedicated servers for a brokerage for a large part depends on the individual needs of the brokerage, and the stage of it’s growth.
Defrag refers to a method that can be used to optimize a computer or dedicated server’s hard drive(s).