In today’s smart speaker news we have “Bender turned into a belligerent Smart Speaker that’s still more useful than Siri”

Happy Birthday today to Pac-Man.
You don’t look a day over 40 years old, man.

While you are enjoying social isolation today take a moment to celebrate with a game and wish Microsoft Solitaire a Happy 30th birthday. (and other fun facts)
Google Maps is now more handy-capable, as they have apparently made “wheelchair-accessible locations easier to spot”

A judge in the US has ruled that “police generally need a warrant to search your phone—and that includes just looking at the lock screen”
Have a look:
Here is a report on pre-teenager’s screen time.
Spoiler alert:
“Let’s do the math: 7 hours of screen time 7 hours @ School 9 hours of sleep 1 hour left for exercise, creativity, meals, face-to-face communication”
Note to governments:
Before releasing a contact-tracing app for smartphones it is very important to review your own privacy policies.