If you are thinking of buying “shady coronavirus ‘vaccines'” from a Dark Web vendor for $300, just don’t do it:
You can add “networks at Cox Communications and the local government in Pima County, Arizona” to your list of victims of the SolarWinds hackers.
One of the “largest and most popular drone companies in the world” has been blacklisted by the US Department of Commerce.
Let’s see how well this flies for them:
In today’s Artificial Intelligence financial news, reports are in that the “DeepMind A.I. unit lost $649 million last year and had a $1.5 billion debt waived by Alphabet” because reasons.
The cyber attack that was recently reported at the US federal government has had its status upgraded to:
1. Much worse than first feared.
2. A grave risk to the federal government.
3. All of the above.
Here is a report that unlocks how Microsoft plans to make passwords “a thing of the past for all its customers in 2021.” **
** with helpful picture of what a password may look like.
Nothing to see here, citizens. “UAE telecom du sees no evidence of ‘security holes’ in Huawei’s 5G technology”
Take a pregnant pause in your day and read about how the “Indian government finds ‘serious labor law violations’ at a riot-hit iPhone plant”
If you are wanting to buy Cyberpunk 2077 from the Sony PlayStation Store you are going to have a bad day.
The timeline to recover from the recently reported “Russian hack against the U.S. government” has been updated to ‘will take years to overcome’
Recent analysis shows that a “global chip shortage threatens production of laptops, smartphones and more”
No word yet if chip shortage will be followed by a double-dip.
The U.S. Department of the Treasury is proposing a rule that would require businesses “keep records and verify the identity of customers as they relate to digital currencies “held in unhosted wallets”
Everybody panic?
Heaven’s above! Mark Cuban has revealed why “Bitcoin is more of a religion than the solution to any problem”
Now hear here: That herd that you have heard about lately is “a herd of new, big investors are scooping up Bitcoin this year as the price more than doubles.”
Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Mozilla are all apparently now blocking an HTTPS “certificate used by the Kazakhstan government to spy on its citizens.”
Here is what’s up with prosecutors saying how “Google accessed private WhatsApp messages”