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Reports are in that the US Army has “announced it would require all of its military, civilian, and contractors to rid their telework environments of internet of things devices”

Here is a post that says “over 10,000 women are suing Google over gender pay disparity” **
** with helpful picture of what a man holding a microphone may look like.

Reports are in that “India’s cryptocurrency exchanges are reportedly considering going to court against the country’s central bank.”
In related news:
“India is considering a digital version of the rupee.”

Nightmare news for some as according to this cryptocurrency hedge fund manager “Bitcoin is currently in a bit of ‘slumber mode’ trading in the range of $34,000 and $40,000”
Sleep well and pleasant dreams, Bitcoin investors.

Here is the story of police in the UK “who were searching for a cannabis farm” and discovered “a suspected Bitcoin “mining” operation illegally stealing electricity”.
That’s some fine police work, Lou.

Click on this link to see information about how “Zero-click Google searches rose to nearly 65% in 2020”

Employee reviews of “Amazon’s mental heath kiosk” are as expected.
Cyber insurance is a thing and this report says that energy companies are rushing to get it.
The government in India has taken their recent complaints with social media companies to a new level and are now reportedly asking Twitter to “stop beating around the bush”