Amazon delivery drivers may not have time for bathroom breaks, but they do have “a list of six tips Amazon distributed to drivers to “keep in top shape””
Spoiler alert:
“following these tips is impossible”

Microsoft had technical difficulties when live streaming a Windows 11 event on their website today so naturally they recommended that viewers use YouTube instead.
Wait. What?

France is reportedly taking Apple to court “over ‘abusive’ practices”
Apple expected to be insulted at this and respond “your mother was a hamster and your father smells of elderberries”

Microsoft has apparently announced that “Windows 11 is coming as a free upgrade to Windows 10 users”
No word yet if it will also include a free U2 album.
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If you have developed a fetish to learn how you can own “a portable 140-inch display that sits on your face” today may be your lucky day.

In a monster cookie move Google has reportedly pushed “back third-party cookie block until 2023”

Microsoft has announced that your computer hardware will have to be this tall to get on the Windows 11 upgrade ride.

Cheerleaders are reporting that “Microsoft Teams will be directly integrated as part of Windows 11”

If you have been wondering “how workers manufacturing products like aloe jelly and gardening gloves also became the influencers selling them” today may be your lucky day.
In 2021 the plot of a Seinfeld episode was updated with smartphones and transported to east Africa.