Today’s fooled around and found out news includes Uber, who charged “a “wait-time” fee to passengers with disabilities and allegedly refused their refund requests”.
Spoiler alert:
Then they were sued by the US government for being discriminatory under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

This reports says that the US government added 57 cryptocurrency addresses and one exchange on the OFAC sanctions list because it frowns on “facilitating ransomware and money laundering”.
Bonus warning content:
“one of those addresses controls a bunch of NFTs”

Today’s data repository data breach news includes Aruba Central, HP and this report that “a threat actor obtained an “access key” that allowed them to view customer data”
But wait, there’s more:
“dataset exposed in these repositories included MAC addresses, IP addresses, operating systems, hostname, and for authenticated Wi-Fi networks, a person’s username.”
Start spreading the news.
Start spreading the New York City dedicated server news, PingPipe web hosting DUAL INTEL Xeon GOLD 6230R custom shop dedicated servers are now available [52 cores x 2.1 GHz] in New York City/Secaucus with guaranteed network uptime and super-fast connections to the New York City financial markets.

The folks at Guinness World Records have announced that at 21,500 hotspots “Mexico City has set a world record for free Wi-Fi access”.

In an ongoing high-profile court case a defense attorney in the US has claimed “Apple’s ‘AI’ manipulates footage when using pinch-to-zoom”
Let’s see how well that works out for him:

According to this report it’s no joke that Apple lost its “bid for second bite at Qualcomm patents”

Reports are in that “Gmail is awash with bait attack phishing emails”
In related news, water is wet.
The U.S. Energy Information Administration is reporting that “U.S. electricity customers experienced eight hours of power interruptions in 2020”
Everybody panic?