If you believe that “robocalls are out of control” press 1 or say “robocalls are out of control”

The telecom regulator in the UK is urgently picturing a scenario where “ISPs must provide emergency video service to deaf users”

Buckle up for today’s hard-driven data breach news that includes Mercedes-Benz USA and “credit card information, social security numbers, and driver license numbers” of their “customers and potential buyers”.

VoIP-Pal is accused Apple of not being a pal and of “patent infringement” because reasons.

People are chatting about Amazon acquiring a “secure chat app used by government agencies”

Step 1 : recognizing that you have a problem.
Step 2: “This tiny collective wants to boost tech sustainability through ‘digital sobriety'”

Shaken and stirred major wireless carriers in the US have announced that they have “implemented the FCC’s anti-spoofing system” and are “all LTE and 5G calls originating on [its] wireless network are STIR/SHAKEN compliant.”
Apparently this needs to be repeated:
It is very important to check your GPS location on a physical map.
Especially when you are on a UK warship.

News of “how to know if your phone has a virus” is rapidly spreading.
Fun fact: phone booths were once a thing.