Remind broadband users who qualify.

The US government would like to remind “broadband users who qualify for the government’s new $50-per-month subsidies” that spelling counts.

Happy belated B-day to PGP.

According to this report “Apple says its new logon tech is as easy as passwords but far more secure”

Challenge accepted ?

Believe it or not there once was widespread internet outage caused by “a software bug that was triggered when a customer changed a setting.”

Online gamers may be heating up to the boiling point when they picture an image of this report that says “emerging malware is lurking in Steam profile images.”

Explosive news is in from the cryptocurrency community as apparently the government of El Salvador is planning to “mine Bitcoin with volcanic energy”

Yesterday’s news: 5G

Today’s topic: “Latest tests on 6G return surprising results”

The US government would like to remind “broadband users who qualify for the government’s new $50-per-month subsidies” that spelling counts.

If you want to buy a three bedroom condo in Miami Beach and have a spare $14 million worth of Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) today may be your lucky day.

Hoof among us hasn’t asked if they cud you take some time to ruminate on this report on “how farmers are using cow manure to power crypto mining operations”.