Tens of people will be excited to learn that Microsoft’s web browser Edge now supports tab syncing across devices.
Yesterday’s news:

Today’s topic:
A “smart cane for the visually impaired”

Amazon has announced $2 billion in loans and grants to secure affordable housing in three U.S. cities.
That will be a prime delivery.

If you have ever wanted to attempt building your own PC there is a web page for that:
Here is “why your Windows Taskbar should always be on the left side”

That can’t be right.
Here is a list of “over 10,000 assets ranked by market cap”
Spoiler alert:
Bitcoin is number 11, ahead of Berkshire Hathaway, Alibaba, Samsung, and Mastercard.
Attention fans of “Microsoft’s ‘Minecraft Earth’ AR game”
Starting in June you are going to have more free time to play other games.
Apparently the US government has now banned eight Chinese payment apps, including “WeChat Pay, Alipay and six more”