Before posting images on the internet to show how hard you are working at your job it is *very* important to remember that “hidden information inside digital photos” is a thing that can reveal much more than photographers and their subjects bargain for”

News is in from Japan saying that this fiscal year Sony will pay employees bonuses “equivalent of seven months’ salary.”
Bonus bonus:
That amount is “even higher than what their union asked for.”

In today’s high energy news from down-under:
“Australians could be charged for exporting energy from rooftop solar panels to the grid” because reasons:

After being caught “faking benchmark results” smartphone manufacturer Realme is in another real “spot of trouble” this time for “using an iPhone to demonstrate game streaming during product launch”

In today’s Non-Fungible Token (NFT) news: “a digital artwork by humanoid robot Sophia was sold at auction on Thursday for $688,888.”

Reports are in that the Arizona State Senate has decided to skip having a vote “on controversial bill that would regulate Apple and Google app stores” because reasons:

PingPipe web hosting has some great custom shop dedicated servers available for you in London with super fast connectivity to the London Internet Exchange [LINX, LD4, LD5, etc].

Microsoft has apparently started “testing free multiplayer for free-to-play games” because why the heck not: pingyour.com/blog/etah
Believe it or not, according to this report just “12 people are behind most of the anti-vaxxer disinformation you see on social media”

If you have been wanting to play Rocket League but don’t own a Nintendo Switch rest easy.
According to this report the “massively popular vehicular soccer game is finally coming to mobile devices”

In today’s online gambling software news, the odds are that “some sports betting companies are offering tools that allow compulsive gamblers to block themselves from most online sites.”

Sort of news:
“SpaceX launched 60 more Starlink satellites”
But wait, there’s more:
“making 240 launched this month alone”