If you have been wanting free access to a free NASA software catalog you are not alone, and today may be your lucky day.

Police are saying that a Florida man tried to track his robbery victim by attaching an iPhone to his car.

If you have been wanting to learn “details about the biggest iPhone hack on record” you are not alone, and today may be your lucky day.

Earlier suggestions that the government of Canada “could impose discoverability regulations on individuals who have a large-enough following online” have been updated to “that’s not the case”

Sort of news:
“Apple AirTags already hacked and reprogrammed by security researchers”
But wait, there’s more:
“here’s how”

Today’s social media tip:
Spare some time to read about “social media tip jars” and “meet the former MySpace exec who dreamed them up at Burning Man”

Here is a hearty look at a startup that “detects heart disease via smartphone”

Believe it or not this UK report about The National Cyber Security Centre says that “Martin Lewis and Sir Richard Branson are the celebrities whose names are used most in fake endorsement scams”
According to this report Apple has seen a way to be appealing to invest “another $45 million in Gorilla Glass maker Corning”