The missing piece.

This report reveals “the missing piece that Microsoft’s Bing needs to win search”
Wait. What ? Only one piece?

Today’s ransomware news includes:
1) several California medical groups
2) security breach notification letters sent :to more than three million patients”
3) all of the above.

Reports are in that say “Opera is adding ChatGPT integration for webpage and article summaries” because why the heck not.

You can safely trust that this report says that “Tech layoffs shrink ‘trust and safety’ teams, raising fears of backsliding efforts to curb online abuse”

When you are plumbing today’s news that “Meta found a leaker who shared details about its unannounced VR headsets”

Monster word on the street quote for today is “cookie consent is not enough”

This is like Max Headroom, except with “about a minute” of a televised speech given by the President of Iran.

PingPipe web hosting has some great custom shop dedicated servers available for you in London with super fast connectivity to the London Internet Exchange [LINX, LD4, LD5, etc].

Believe it or not this report says that “Google search chief warns AI chatbots can give ‘convincing but completely fictitious’ answers”

Reports are in that say a key US lawmaker possibly maybe “will consider the idea of having a Space Force-like independent cyber military service” because why the heck not.