If you are designing a “medical chatbot” it is very, very important that you remember to test it on *fake* patients.
Billion dollar bitcoin bravado boast
This may be the only chance today that you get a chance to say the phrase: “Doctor, I think I have an HDMI”
If you have half a mind you will spend half a moment.
If you have half a mind you will spend half a moment and read this report.
Today’s technical headline technical question.
Technically today’s technical headline technical question is “what does being ‘technical’ mean?”
A popular Muslim prayer app.
Reports are in that a popular Muslim prayer app” has been selling “location data to FBI, ICE.
Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time
Every reason why Bitcoin will not fail.
Washington State has partnered with Starbucks and Microsoft.
Washington State has partnered with Starbucks and Microsoft in order to stick it to people living there.
A transparent TV.
LG sees nothing wrong with announcing a transparent TV with a screen you can see through when on or off.
Bring the magic of a house party online.
Bring the magic of a house party online.
Microsoft tried to buy Nintendo.
Make sure that you are sitting down for this one: Microsoft tried to buy Nintendo.