Amazon will give people about $10 in credit in exchange for their palm print biometrics and some other people have privacy concerns.
Purchase from the Nintendo Wii U.
If you want to make a purchase from the Nintendo Wii U, plan to make it before March 27, 2023.
New software feature from Tesla.
The rating of the new software feature from Tesla called “Safety Score” has been updated from “janky” to ‘hopefully no longer janky”
Illegal to record law enforcement.
There is a law in Arizona that makes it illegal to record law enforcement.
Peaceful easy feeling. PingYour .com
Today’s peaceful easy feeling news includes this story of a company that has raised $30 million.
Cell phones cancer risk status.
Cell phones used to be a cancer risk, then were not a cancer risk have had their status upgraded to “sharply increase tumor risk
Bitcoin mining in the making. PingYour .com
If you’ve ever wondered if Bitcoin could become a non-fungible token you’re not alone.
Once upon a time.
What would happen if San Francisco police stop a self-driving car – and find nobody inside.
When considering investing in bitcoin.
When considering investing in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies sometimes you have to reflect with 2020 vision and ask yourself how low can you go.
All your base are belong to us.
All your base are belong to us because reasons and all your base are belong to us.