Suspensive news was bouncing from Brazil.
Purchased a land NFT.
Building a city on the Ethereum blockchain.
You don’t like Mondays.
a podcast that is entirely generated by artificial intelligence
Bitcoin mining uses more electricity than Argentina.
Evita last seen whimpering while looking for flashlight batteries.
Before posting images on the internet.
Before posting images on the internet to show how hard you are working at your job it is *very* important to remember hidden information inside digital photos is a thing.
Can you see the realme.
After being caught faking benchmark results smartphone manufacturer Realme is in another real spot of trouble.
Today’s technical headline technical question.
Technically today’s technical headline technical question is “what does being ‘technical’ mean?”
A popular Muslim prayer app.
Reports are in that a popular Muslim prayer app” has been selling “location data to FBI, ICE.
Russian hackers.
In today’s news of Russian hackers this report says that it is suspected that Russian hackers breached “multiple federal agencies, including the Treasury and Commerce […]
A couple was convicted of money laundering.
“prosecutors from the Netherlands have seized 2,532 Bitcoins worth $33 million”