Large artificial intelligence models will only get “crazier and crazier” unless more is done.
Apple’s performance comparisons to Windows.
Gravity still sucks.
Bouncing from Brazil.
Suspensive news was bouncing from Brazil.
Sober Second Thought.
Take time for a sober second thought before you pay for a domain name.
Artificial Intelligence can help.
Artificial Intelligence can help people on a deeply personal level.
Using DNA to Generate 3D Images.
Using DNA to generate 3D images of suspects.
Podcasts are losing their edge.
A podcast on a series of podcasts about podcasts.
The missing piece.
The missing piece that Microsoft’s Bing needs to win search.
Help when you have been hacked.
This woman who was “arrested after taking selfies”
A rather rubenesque report.
Useful information about a famous ransomware gang.